60,000 Rupees and Trip to Changa Manga with Family

After a long tedious year in 2018, I was very much inclined towards giving myself a break and had always wanted to travel across Pakistan. I never new that my guts would allow me to take my car on the 1st January 2019 and set out for road trip. Nonetheless we packed up our bags and went for it and left Karachi and destined to travel to 5 cities in a week. Winters in Pakistan are pretty fierce especially in the northern areas and with a 6 months old daughter my family was like "Are you crazy". But I was adamant and went from Karachi onwards and I was very much surprised that the roads and motorways are pretty good considering that I had always traveled by air or by train previously. During my road trip I saw over a million sugar canes trucks day and night and thought why do rich people talk about sugar mills on the TV and politicians own sugar mills most. I finally got my answer. I never knew that Sindh had the most ripened banans and guavas (amrood) that I had never ...